Jan 29, 2013

Highlights: 2012's Best Choreography/Stunt Work...

... is The Raid: Redemption (directed by Gareth Evans).

The Raid isn't a film that relies on plot progression or character development. We know the drill from the get-go. And to be perfectly honest, there's really no thematic subtext in there either. This is one of those flicks that just wants to entertain. The upside is that, well, it's one hell of an entertainer, and much of its strength is directly derived from the exquisite choreography of the fight scenes. Moving from one "How the hell did he do that" sequence to another and keeping that type of high-pressure, quick tempo dynamic up for the whole running time, Gareth Evans takes us through the building along with the characters, our Adrenaline rushing through the veins just as furiously; and it leaves us feeling battered and bruised.

All 'Best of 2012' Entries...

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and it has helped me look a little harder. Thanks
    Your blog is always an enjoyable read!.ebay bellen
